30 Guitar Company Logos, downloadable Vector PDF
Logos are very important to products, they are part of the look and feel of a design. A good logo will complement, even enhance the product or at least it’s visual appearance. That’s part of the reason we are looking at Guitar Logos today here on Guitar Design Reviews. The other reason is that I have been trying my hand in finishing a parts-a-caster-esque style guitar and have furnished it with the Guitar Design Reviews logo, see the picture below.

So I have recently received some parts that I will be using to make a guitar, the parts aren’t original design but ‘tributes’ to great Fender designs. They are a bit different though, the body is routed for a non-scratchplate construction, so there is a panel on the back where the electrical odds and ends go. I like matching headstocks, perhaps because I was a teenager in the 80s, so I’ve sprayed the face of this headstock silver to match the body. The logo is in a grape/purple shade which I chose from a large range of colours I printed out on the waterslide sheet, it seemed to go nicely.
Please don’t make fake guitars/guitar accessories, if you make a guitar put YOUR OWN logo on it! If you don’t have a logo I can help you make an original one and even create a waterslide sheet full of them for a small fee, contact me from the about page if you are interested:)
That’s enough about my own tinkering and logo shenanigans though, let’s look through a logo collection I have made of most of the big names in Electric Guitars and Guitar Accessories.

I think I’ve collected all the important names in Guitar Design above. If you want a single scalable vector file to download of the above graphic you can download that here. All the above logos were available on various websites on the net, I’ve just collected them into one nice convenient guitar enthusiast friendly file. As a vector file it’s scalable as big as you want without deterioration, and if you own a graphics package such as Illustrator or Photoshop you can make all sorts of nice designs, posters, desktop backgrounds etc with the logos.
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Here’s a simple idea of a desktop wallpaper you might like to put on your computer using the Charvel logo. Using the logo taken from the PDF file above, add an effect of two and shazam, a nice desktop for a Charvel fan?!?! Of course you can spend more time and effort for your own design to make a cool backdrop!
That’s all for now, I hope some of you find the logos useful, what’s your favourite logo? … Mark
2 thoughts on “30 Guitar Company Logos, downloadable Vector PDF”
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Another guy looking at guitar logos; http://www.lospennato.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=115%3Azblogarticle6&catid=27%3Ablog-on-design&Itemid=88&lang=en